Sterling S425

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The Sterling S425 is faster, stronger and longer!
The compact chassis means its highly manoeuvrable and easy to store. With a top speed of 8mph this scooter is road legal, just remember your DVLA registration! Plus with the speed restrictor you can safely use it on the pavement. The large wheels give you good ground clearance for rougher terrain meaning the S425 can take you where you want to go; in addition 55Ah batteries offer you a substantial range to keep you moving.

Sterling S425 features

To give you the most comfortable ride the S425 is supplied with 30cm pneumatic wheels and all round suspension, so whether you’re off-road or tackling a drop kerb you’ll glide over with minimum discomfort to you. Look for a firmer ride? You can upgrade to a heavy duty rear suspension kit. The luxury seat also helps to keep you comfortable with adjustable seat height, seat depth and recline you can get your scooter set up to perfectly suit you. The flip up comfort armrests are width, angle and depth adjustable as well so everything is built to meet your requirements. The seat swivels for ease of transfer.

Sterling’s advanced LED lighting technology offers you low consumption lighting with the added benefit of longer life span on the bulbs – one less maintenance cost.

The ergonomic Delta handlebars and intuitive top console make drive the S425 a breeze. The tiller has infinite adjustment and a clever design feature ensures the headlight is automatically tilted with each adjustment. The secondary brake is also situated on the Delta handlebar for added safety.

Available to purchase privately or lease on the Motability scheme.

Looking for something bigger? Check out the S425’s big brother the S700.

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